With international travel restricted over much of the last year and fewer travelers boarding planes, many Americans seeking fresh scenery have rediscovered a love for hitting the road. Among sought-after routes are the 184 national scenic byways designated in 48 states; eight are in California.
Congress established the National Scenic Byways program 30 years ago to recognize, preserve, and enhance select roads throughout the United States based on one or more archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational, and scenic qualities.
“Scenic byways are paths to adventure and meaningful experiences for all of us,” writes National Park Foundation President and CEO Will Shafroth. “They offer opportunities to explore national parks, admire stunning geologic features, connect with our shared heritage, and #RecreateResponsibly.”
So, pack up the car and hit the road. Here’s a snapshot of the eight scenic byways—presented from shortest to longest—in our state: routes where the journey is the destination. Visit fhwa.dot.gov/byways for more information.