Automotive Safety

Ways to help reduce ‘road rage’

An angry driver honking their car horn

Most drivers know “road rage” when they see it. After experiencing some perceived slight, a driver tries to intimidate, threaten, or harm a fellow motorist, often with dangerous behavior such as speeding or tailgating. 

Road rage happens when aggressive driving mixes with anger, and the results can be deadly. In fact, aggressive driving contributes to more than half of fatal crashes, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. And it's not a minor problem: In a AAA study, almost 80% of drivers surveyed said they had engaged in angry behavior behind the wheel at least once in the previous 30 days. We look at what drivers can do to avoid aggressive driving from others, and avoid becoming aggressive themselves.

Road rage by the numbers

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety studied aggressive driving as part of its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index. Researchers surveyed 2,714 licensed drivers aged 16 and older. Nearly 80% of those drivers admitted to at least 1 aggressive driving behavior in the preceding 30 days.

34% of drivers

admitted to tailgating to prevent a vehicle from merging in front of them

32% of drivers

admitted to making rude gestures or honking at other drivers to show anger:

28% of drivers

admitted to merging into traffic even when another driver tries to close the gap

26% of drivers

admitted to switching lanes quickly or very close behind another car

25% of drivers

admitted to speeding up when another vehicle tried to overtake them

22% of drivers

admitted to passing in front of a vehicle at less than a car length


What you can do


Don't offend

  • Avoid moves that force other drivers to change their speed or direction.
  • When switching lanes, first check that you have space, then use your signal.
  • Move to the right if you’re driving more slowly than surrounding traffic.
  • Avoid tailgating, and slow down if you’re following too closely.

Don't engage

  • Steer clear of drivers who are speeding, tailgating, and otherwise behaving aggressively.
  • Avoid making eye contact with angry drivers; they may see it as a challenge.
  • Contact the police if a situation escalates and you feel unsafe.

Don't get angry

  • Don’t take another driver’s actions personally. They may be having a bad day, or may not realize they've inconvenienced you. Let go of your pride.
  • Remember that “winning” isn't worth the risk to your safety and the safety of other drivers around you.
  • Seek professional help if you think you have a serious behavioral issue.
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